m-relay<woodser:monero.social> > what does your test do?
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> starts 2 local daemons connected to each other, starts mining, creates 10 multisig wallets (so 30 wallets total), deposits funds to the multisig wallets, and after mining 10 blocks, the deposit transactions are sometimes still unconfirmed instead of unlocked. this is reproducible in haveno tests after applying monero-project/monero 13ff355cf6081776fd73790<clipped message>
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> 80c17246e35c1236d to the monero binaries
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> these tests have been otherwise stable for a while
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> going to test again to be sure. I see that PR actually includes 2 commits and I was only adding one
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> monero-project/monero 0cd7456 and this commit doesnt cause the issue? Has a different problem?
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Or it does work with the above commit if max-connections-per-ip=10
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> I was able to recreate the test error again with 13ff355 from pr 9775, whereas the test passes fine with that commit reverted. so there is definitely some difference in behavior which breaks haveno tests and I think we need to proceed cautiously before releasing it
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> > and this commit doesnt cause the issue? Has a different problem?
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> iirc this commit caused an issue which was fixed by setting max-connections-per-ip=10, but that's separate
NorrinRadd"whereas the test passes fine with that commit reverted" -- that's the latest commit on release-v0.18?
NorrinRaddthat you add the revert to %
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> yes
5 hours ago