m-relay<vtnerd:monero.social> selsta: tracked down woodser issue. Just needed new flag for private rpc connections
m-relay<vtnerd:monero.social> Next up is the windows+boost thing? Is that still a concern
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Its fixed by monero-project/monero #9807 but
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> .
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> And "We only support Debian 10 (Boost 1.67) until June 30 (EOL + 1 year), so if the workaround isn't possible / doesn't happen it's not that big of a deal imo."
selstavtnerd: we work around it by 9807 for release like ofrnxmr said, but ideally we would fix it in code
selstabut that's not a priority right now for this release
m-relay<gingeropolous:monero.social> woodser, i can;t get my testnet past v2. how many blocks do you have to give each version? and what do you use for that "time since epoch" field?
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> That's it? woodser issue down? NEW RELEASE INCOMING?
m-relay<gingeropolous:monero.social> figured out the epoch thing
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> I use only 10 blocks between versions: haveno-dex/monero 80d0e45
m-relay<ashven:matrix.org> Hi everyone
m-relay<ashven:matrix.org> I am interested in knowing have any discussion went so far regarding Clover over Dandelion ++
m-relay<ashven:matrix.org> If so why Monero keeping dandelion ++ over simpler tech like Clover?
m-relay<ashven:matrix.org> It seems Clover has optimal precision and more resistance to active adversaries so why?
4 minutes ago