selstasech1: did you test the installers/windows/Monero.iss changes in your PR?
sech1yes, I compiled the installer in Inno Setup
selstaok good
sech1the only problem I had is "The [Setup] section must include an AppVersion or AppVerName directive."
sech1even without my changes
sech1GetFileVersion("bin\monero-wallet-gui.exe") didn't work for some reason
selstaoh yes, i edit that manually to
selstaor whatever
sech1So I replaced it with "", compiled and installed everything
sech1then tested that p2pool works without admin privileges
selstaon other OS nothing should have changed?
selstadirectory wise
sech1Same directory on other OS
selstaok good
sech1But it should be tested too
selstayes will test
sech1because I changed p2pool unpacking command parameters (full paths there now)
selstaon mac a tleast