m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> applied the changes by @ofrnxmr:xmr.mx for [#2364](monero-project/monero-site #2364)
m-relay<diego:cypherstack.com> who a good sysadmin here? DM me ASAP.
plowsof.merge+ 2322 2313 2346 2342 2364 2369 2377 2383
xmr-pr2287 2313 2322 2342 2346 2364 2369 2377 2383
m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> i think footer of the site should be updated
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Better not be a copyright discussion like docs….
m-relay<ofrnxmr:monero.social> I've never scrolled that far
m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> removing bitcointalk
m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> maybe openalias too
m-relay<ofrnxmr:monero.social> How come?
plowsofOA2 is in testing / coming soon also
m-relay<ofrnxmr:monero.social> Openalias is still in use, and afaik so it btctalk
plowsofBitcointalk serves as an archive mainly.. you can see how monero started, warts and alll
m-relay<ofrnxmr:monero.social> I see new coins getting posted there tho
m-relay<ofrnxmr:monero.social> Like selenium (xmr compliant fork)
m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> we can migrate openalias to docs
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Docs is for monerod and cli
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Openalias should have there own docs
m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/…ero.social/dnLwLevzoKKwXVZJJyGMPebE
m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> google plus
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> openalias.org
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> I didnt know monero project copy righted
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> For midi
m-relay<ofrnxmr:monero.social> should be `Google ++`
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Wes inclusive
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> forum.getmonero.org
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> We have a forum!
m-relay<rottenwheel:kernal.eu> Hell no. Over my dead corpse.
m-relay<rottenwheel:kernal.eu> Nah. forum.monero.space
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> yeah nah scott
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> rottenwheel: you're definitely everywhere. I also found you on discuss.grapheneos.org
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> What forum are you not in?
m-relay<siren:kernal.eu> rottenwheel the people connector