m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> You got caught
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> All criminals using retoswap
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> MajesticBank noy happy
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> you scsm out senior developer
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> you scsm our senior developer
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> We want trouble now
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> Restructure is coming
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> Trocador.app is bait now any further use
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> logged and submitted to fed
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> havneno users leaked
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> haveno users leaked
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> thanks for the bank details on retoswap
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> continue more
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> Terrorism galore
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> or not?
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> TROLOLLOLOLOLOL
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> You idioots
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> Read source code new time
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> no next time, lets be honest
m-relay<rottenwheel:unredacted.org> /ban whatyougotcauseigotalot
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> RuiSanf
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> RuiSang
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> Has been helping
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> He has our protective custody
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> And boy did he reveal what we needed
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> scott
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> you'lre fucked
m-relay<whatyougotcauseigotalot:matrix.org> leave now while you can
m-relay<mark:chat.nicecrew.digital> Oh well, see you all in federal prison for the high crime of obtaining a legal cryptocurrency I guess. 😉
m-relay<jay_edwards:matrix.org> Was the Christmas happy for you, guys?
BlueyHealermark, well, it might be retroatctively made a crime and you'd get punished for what you did without protection years ago))
Mochi101Is anything substantial revealed when providing a reserve proof?
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> your definition of substantial?
Mochi101tx details, outputs
Mochi101in the code, check_reserve_proof uses COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request gettx_req;
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